Happiness and sadness are a part of life. You feel emotional about the things happening in your life. We have compiled a list of emotional pain quotes that help you to feel good and you will smile through the pain.
14 Emotional pain quotes 2020
1- You have to learn to
smile through your
pain. Sometimes it’s all
we got.
2- Try smiling while your heart
aches. Even laughing through
the pain. For tomorrow is a
brand new day. And the sun
will rise again.
Sometimes, the
prettiest smiles hide
the deepest secrets.
The prettiest eyes have
cried the most tears.
And the kindest hearts
have felt the most pain.
Sometimes you gotta laugh through the tears, smile through
the pain so that you can live through the sorrow.
Alex Tan,
Sometimes the strongest
among us are the ones who
smile through silent pain,
cry behind closed doors,
and fight battles that
nobody knows about.
I’m sad, hurt, angry,
mad, disappointed.
But you know what?
I’ll put on a happy
face and move on.
It will hurt but I
will survive.
A true friend is
the one who
sees your pain
despite your smile
The real man smiles in trouble,
gathers strength from distress,
and grows brave by reflection.
Thoma- Paine
I’m sad, hurt, angry, mad,
disappointed. But you know
what? I’ll put on a happy
face and move on.
It will hurt but I will survive.
Smiling is definitely one of
the best beauty remedies. If
you have a good sense of
humor and a good approach
to life, that’s beautiful.
Rashida Jones
keep smiling..
and one day
life will get tired of
upsetting you
Sometimes all you
can do is smile.
Move on with your
day, hold back
the tears and
pretend you’re
A smile that hides the pain
within the heart soothes the
hearts of those who behold it. So
smile even through difficult
Mufti Isnail Menk
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