Love is one of the most beautiful things on the heart. It can be bitter and sweet at the same time; it is a painful pleasing experience.
All relationships are not rosy; some are like war grounds, where they don’t like each other’s personality and trying to change them.
Fall in love with someone who loves your personality, not an idiot forcing you to be normal. A relationship doesn’t entail changing yourself to fit into the picture your partner wants. If they can’t accept you the way you are, they should look for someone else who fits into their picture correctly.
Life isn’t always about sacrifices and someone trying to lower your self-esteem, you have to stand up and tell them you like how you are, and you aren’t changing for anyone.
Love covers everything. Life makes you blind to their flaws and imperfections; you love the person how they are. If the individual involved is asking you to change to the personality he wants, then it is probably not loving lust instead.
You shouldn’t change yourself because of someone who claims to love you. You are the best version of yourself, and no one should make you see yourself as less.
If they walk away because you couldn’t fit into the picture they wanted, don’t be heart-broken. Someone who’s going to love your madness and imperfections will surely come one day.
You will notice you were never imperfect; you were just with someone who didn’t love you genuinely. Don’t just fall in love, grow in love.
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