
In all seriousness, if someone takes you in during trying times, the least you could do is give thanks by helping out. Some people don’t realize that you were welcomed into their house as a guest.

They took you in through the goodness of their heart. Show some respect, be courteous, do your part! Clean up the house, show you are grateful to them for opening their door for you. Many times, we learn a hard lesson, trying to help others— when they fail at trying to help themselves and become an unwanted guest. Don’t become this person! You will quickly wear out your welcome and you’ll most likely ruin some friendships along the way. When someone offers to help you, don’t become a burden on their shoulders. Help out, do what you can to show you’re grateful for their generosity. It takes a lot, and a person with a huge heart to welcome you for a place to stay. Be grateful for these people in your life, they are true friends, don’t burn your bridge by taking advantage!

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