Always bear in mind that there isn’t a single person on this planet who is entitled to treat you like shit.
We have all been through a lot of things, at some points we lost our self-respect and dignity, but it doesn’t give anyone the right to treat us less.
If there’s anything I ever wished to be a dream, it should be mom and dad divorcing, and being in the custody of my father.
Not after three months after, he took another wife, I was wondering if he was seeing her before the divorce.
Everything was perfect until dad started having a lot of business trips, and was left in the house with his wife.
Many times, I have always stayed out of her way, but it seems like she always love to pick a quarrel. Mere looking at her, I knew she wasn’t my senior up to fifteen years.
She never stopped reminding me how bad my mom was; she always compared her to a loose popular woman in the neighborhood, but I never for once retaliated, all I did was cry.
Things continued that way, until she compared me to my mom, saying I was no different from her. I knew my mom had her flaws. She isn’t the perfect mother, but I knew her actions were justifiable.
It was at that moment I knew that if I continue keeping quiet she won’t stop talking to me like I’m some sort of trash.
I bet she never expected me to talk back at her, I reminded her that my mom will always remain in my father’s heart; even though things couldn’t work out between them, but I was sure of them being in love.
I told her a lot of hurtful things, I just had to do what’s necessary so that she could stop trampling on my emotions, I put her in her place, ever since then we made sure not to cross each other’s paths.
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