I failed a lot in life.
But that’s a good thing.
Do you know why?
Because when you fail a lot you learn a lot too.
I’m 40 and I’ve accumulated a few life tips that I want to share with you today.
Life is too short and learning from others is a great way to live smart and become wise.
So don’t wait.
Learn about these 73 life tips to live your best life.
Let’s get down to it!
Table of Contents
General – Happiness – Success – Motivation – Productivity – Education – Relationships – Simplicity – Conclusion
General Life Tips
1. Your health is the most important thing in your world. If you don’t have your health, you have nothing. So take time every day to work on your physical and mental health.
2. Your energy and time are limited. Be careful where you spend them and what you say yes to.
3. Imagine your life is a movie. What would the audience scream at your character?
4. Now, imagine your life is a novel. How can you become the hero of that novel?
5. Life is short. If something bothers you, change something. Or accept it.
6. Be courageous and responsible. Playing the victim won’t get you far.
7. The life you want starts when you create. Consuming too many things is a waste of time. (TV shows, Netflix, social media, news, etc.)
8. You find purpose by giving, helping, and listening. You find purpose through service.
9. It’s fine to take but make sure you give more.
10. It’s fine to talk but make sure you listen more.
11. Be kind. We are all in this together. That’s how we build humanity.
Happiness, Inner peace
Why tips about happiness and inner peace?
Because we all want to live a good and happy life, right?
12. There is no path to happiness. You must create it yourself.
13. If somebody tells you they know the path to happiness, they are trying to sell you something.
14. Don’t think you can become happy and stay in that state forever. Life is about change. Nature is about change. So is your mood.
15. Aim for inner peace instead of happiness. Inner peace is attainable and sustainable. Happiness is not.
16. Those who want to control their life too much end up stressed and overwhelmed. Learn to do your best but don’t obsess over what you can’t control.
17. Happy people live lightly. They let go easily. They forgive easily and move forward.
18. Caring for what other people think is easy. Doing your own thing is hard. That’s why few people are happy.
19. You can be peaceful once you learn to accept the inevitable.
20. The most peaceful say yes to almost everything.
Question: Do you still hold grudges? Are you still carrying dead weight in your heart? Imagine you’re the happiest person on the planet, would you still carry that weight?
Why success tips?
Because it feels good to create and do things, isn’t it?
21. The most successful say no to almost everything (yes I know, it’s the opposite of the previous tip, but it’s true).
22. If you want something in life, you will need to sacrifice things like Friday nights with friends for example. Forget about comfort. It’s a drug.
23. Distractions are everywhere. Learn to ignore them.
24. Success, like happiness, must be defined by you and nobody else.
25. My definition of success? Someone who gives more than he takes, listens more than he talks, and does more hard things than easy ones.
26. Life is not a competition. Simply improve your past self and repeat tomorrow.
27. Success will come easier if you avoid shiny objects.
28. Success will come easier if you focus on a handful of things for a long period.
Question: What will you sacrifice to reach your goal? The most successful people are obsessed with one goal and let go of the rest.
Why motivation tips?
Because it’s something most of us struggle with. Yet, having energy is one of the main factors of a good fulfilling life.
29. Starting is the hardest part. So start. Now. Do a little something in the right direction.
30. If it feels overwhelming, break down the task into smaller tasks. Still feels hard? Break it down even more.
31. Motivation comes easily when it’s something important to you. Find your deepest reasons.
32. Momentum is vital. Work to build and maintain it.
33. True champions take failures as fuel.
34. Make your goals SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.
35. You are more likely to stick to a plan if it’s specific. Say “I’ll work out at the gym every weekday at 7 am, for 45 minutes” instead “I want to get in shape.”
36. Motivation follows clarity.
37. If you find it hard to stay motivated consider joining a group or asking a friend to join you.
Question: How can you break down what you are trying to do? What are the daily habits you will need? What will the process look like?
Why productivity tips?
Because productivity is the art of working on the right things, the most impactful ones, the ones that will make you successful.
38. Do your most important tasks when you’re full of energy.
39. Do your easiest and less important tasks (emails, calls, follow-ups, etc.) when you’re low on energy. It’s usually in the afternoon.
40. Being productive is being organized. Learn to focus on what’s important and ignore what’s not.
41. What you work on is more important than how effective you are. In other words, taking the right direction is more important than speed.
42. Don’t do things that won’t move the needle much. At every moment, ask yourself “Is this necessary? Is this truly important?”
43. Use lists to stay organized. A good online tool you can use is Trello.com.
44. Start by having a “NOW” list where you put your most important task. Also, use a “COMING UP NEXT” list where you prioritize which tasks you will work on. Finally, use a “DUMP” list where you simply enter tasks you could do in the future. Prune that list once in a while.
45. Listen to songs with no lyrics on repeat to improve your focus. This one is a favorite of mine.
46. Batch things. It’s when you do context-switching that you’re losing time and energy.
47. Avoid meetings. Enough said.
Question: What could you say no to? What can you stop doing that is not necessary or important or impactful? What could you delegate?
Education and Learning
Why tips about education and learning?
Because I want you to be a learning machine. If you become that you’ll thank me later.
48. You must learn all your life. Life changes fast. Don’t stay stale and don’t become obsolete.
49. Education starts with curiosity. Education starts in your spare time. Education starts after school.
50. Asking questions is more important than giving answers.
51. Being interested will lead you further than being interesting and egocentric.
52. It’s fine if you look like an idiot. That’s how you learn fast.
53. Be humble. Wise people are the humblest. They know how little they know. They keep doors open.
54. Learn how to learn. Learn how motivation works. Learn how your brain works. They are many ways to speed up your growth.
55. The wisest know one thing well: themselves. The more you know yourself, the more you know what’s important to you, and the more you’ll be motivated to learn.
56. School is about studying, memorizing, and passing tests. Life is about passings tests first, failing, and then growing.
57. What you learn at school will not be enough. It’s only the basement of your future self.
58. To learn you will need to unlearn lots of things. It’s called wisdom.
Question: Do you avoid asking questions because you could look like an idiot? Keep in mind others probably have the same questions.
Why tips about relationships?
Because having strong relationships is vital if you want to be happy and live a good life.
59. It’s not the number of friends you have. It’s the quality. Find people who support you. People who accept you the way you are.
60. The best relationships are the ones where people don’t count. They give because they love.
61. If you surround yourself with positive people you will tend to become positive. If you surround yourself with healthy people you will tend to become healthy. Choose your tribe carefully.
62. People who laugh, smile, and live lightly are the best kind of people.
63. The best way to keep good friends? Be there for them in good and bad times. Meaningful relationships take time and effort.
64. Care for others and others will care for you. Be happy when others win and others will be happy when you win.
65. Don’t be so full of yourself. Be genuinely interested.
66. The best gift you can give others is your full self, your full attention, and your presence.
Question: How can you show your friends and family you love them today? Or even better, right now?
Why tips about simplicity?
Because I see too many people chasing the wrong things (material, status, attention, power, etc.). The good life is the simple life.
67. Life can become complicated fast. Learn to ignore things. Learn to simplify things. Be a master ignorer.
68. Simplicity is about finding what matters and focusing on that.
69. Most people think the good life is about buying stuff. “I’ll be happy when I’ll have this”. Spoiler alert: it will not. Human beings have tried for thousands of years and nobody seems successful.
70. Life is about removing what’s useless.
71. The more you buy stuff the less energy and time you’ll have for what matters.
72. When you buy, buy quality. Buy stuff that lasts. Stuff that you love. Stuff that is beautiful and useful. Stuff that makes your life better.
73. What matters in life? Your health, your mission, your people. Everything else is a distraction.
Question: What items in your house could you sell or give? How could you simplify your life today? Which commitments could you cancel?
I hope you discovered a few useful life tips here.
But most importantly, I hope you will apply and try a few of them.
the theory is useless if you don’t practice.
Ideally, the goal would be to build your life tips. It means you’ll need to experiment, reflect and learn.
But it will be worth it. I promise.
After all, the good life is the one you create, right?
Further Readings
- Topic: Life
- 100 Materialism Quotes To Simplify Your Life
- 100 Short Quotes That Will Inspire You (Fast)
- 77 Life Lessons Quotes (To Learn And Grow)
- 57 Life Goes On Quotes That Will Move You
- 21 Life-Changing Questions To Ask Yourself Today
- The Power Of Words – 3 Ways They Can Change Your Life
- How To Be Successful In Life – 7 Simple Tips
- Simple Living: 30 Ways To Simplify Your Life
Now it’s your turn!
What are your favorite life tips? And remember: words can transform your life, if you find the right ones.