
The process of fetal development is truly remarkable.

Fetal development is a well-organized and intricate journey that begins before you even realize you’re pregnant and culminates in the birth of your baby. Between conception and delivery, numerous intricate steps must take place.

There are three stages of fetal development: germinal, embryonic, and fetal. Although these terms may not be commonly used in everyday conversation about pregnancy, understanding them can be helpful.

Germinal stage: The germinal stage is the shortest phase of fetal development. It begins at conception when a sperm fertilizes an egg in your fallopian tube. The fertilized egg, called a zygote, embarks on a journey to your uterus over approximately one week. During this journey, the zygote undergoes numerous divisions, eventually forming two distinct structures. One structure becomes the embryo (and later the fetus), while the other becomes the placenta. Cell division continues rapidly, and the zygote transforms into a blastocyst. The blastocyst reaches your uterus and implants into the lining. If implantation is successful, your body immediately begins producing hormones to support pregnancy, halting your menstrual period.

Embryonic stage: The embryonic stage spans from around the third week of pregnancy until the eighth week. The blastocyst starts to develop distinct human characteristics and is now referred to as an embryo. Structures and organs such as the neural tube (which later becomes the brain and spinal cord), head, eyes, mouth, and limbs begin to form. The embryo’s heart starts developing and pulsates around the sixth week. Buds that will eventually become the arms and legs also appear around the sixth week. By the end of the eighth week, most of the embryo’s organs and systems have taken shape. For many people, this is the point in pregnancy when morning sickness typically begins.

Fetal stage: The fetal stage of development starts around the ninth week and continues until birth. This is when the embryo officially becomes a fetus. The fetus’s assigned sex becomes apparent around the ninth week of pregnancy, although it may not be detectable through ultrasound yet. Major organs and body systems of the fetus continue to grow and mature. Features such as fingernails, eyelashes, and hair begin to develop. The fetus gains the ability to move its limbs, although you may not feel these movements until around 20 weeks of pregnancy. The majority of growth, both in terms of weight and length, occurs during the fetal stage.

Please note that this information is based on general knowledge about fetal development and may vary from individual to individual. It’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized information and guidance throughout pregnancy.

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