Mariam Nabatanzi, a woman from Uganda known as “Mama Uganda” or “Africa” has gained global attention for giving birth to 44 children by the age of 40, all from the same man. Despite her remarkable fertility, Mariam is a single mother who has been raising her children alone since her husband abandoned them and took all their money.
Mariam’s parents arranged her marriage at the age of 12, and she gave birth to her first child at 13. She initially had only one child, but went on to have twins, triplets, and quadruplets on four different occasions, leading to her reputation as the most fertile woman in the world.
Mariam’s excessive fertility concerned doctors who warned her of the potential risks of having too many children, and advised her to stop having children to avoid health problems.
In a video posted on Facebook by Explorer Joe Hattab, Mariam revealed that her husband left her and took all their money, leaving her to provide for their children alone. Sadly, six of her children have passed away, leaving 38 still with her.
Mariam, who is a professional hairstylist, event decorator, and herbal medicine crafter, works tirelessly day and night to support her children. She relies on donations and other sources of income to provide for her large family, and the bunk beds that her children sleep on were a gift from a kind-hearted Arabian man who helped enroll them in school for their formal education.
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