
When he was born, Atlas McHugh had an average size of 7lb 14oz. However, two months later, he experienced an unexpected growth spurt.

At 80cm tall and 10 months old, baby Atlas weighs 13kg (just over two stone) and continues to grow steadily. His size has increased to the point where he now wears clothes meant for two-year-olds. Even his mother, 30-year-old Nabille McHugh, has to readjust and provide extra support when holding him.

Nabille shares, “Whenever anyone holds him, everyone has something to say about his size. They mention backaches or being unable to handle his weight. Most non-family members comment on my ‘toddler’ and are shocked when I inform them that he is still an infant.”

Furthermore, Atlas rapidly outgrows his clothes. Nabille explains, “He is currently wearing 24-month clothes, which is the longest we have stayed in one size. However, he never fit into newborn sizes. The doctors have no concerns because his weight and height are proportionate on the growth chart. He is just bigger overall, but there are no weight issues whatsoever.”

Due to his size, Atlas has even become viral after Nabille posted a video of him on TikTok with the song ‘Big and Chunky’ from Madagascar. Nabille recalls, “Honestly, I was scared. I woke up to numerous notifications, friend requests, and emails flooding my social media. Reading some of the comments was overwhelming. Occasionally, there are negative and nasty remarks about my son or accusations of bad parenting due to his size. Many people tell me that I used a filter to make him appear bigger, but I find that notion hilarious.”

Nabille, from Denver, discovered her second child’s pregnancy with her husband Tyler McHugh when she was only three weeks along. She mentions that her pregnancy was stress-free, and her bump remained a normal size, even though Atlas was measuring two weeks ahead. Although she initially planned for a natural birth, Nabille had to undergo a C-section due to her petite stature.

“When I first saw him, I was in love. His large stature definitely comes from his dad’s side of the family. My side of the family is short, while my husband’s side is all six feet and taller. Atlas was an average size for a newborn, but he started hitting his growth spurt between two and four months and has been steadily growing ever since,” Nabille shares.

Nabille hopes that her TikTok videos will help people realize that babies come in all shapes and sizes. She emphasizes, “I want to normalize bigger babies. Big babies have always existed, but social media hasn’t. Just because a baby is larger or smaller than average doesn’t automatically mean they are unhealthy or that something is wrong with them. Babies come in all shapes and sizes—I know this because I have two kids, one was tiny, and one was big.”

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