Aspen’s only wish for her eighth birthday was to be a mermaid, or to be as near as possible to one with the help of photographer Desirae Deal.
Photographs taken by Desirae Deal, a competent photographer and owner of Desirae Deal Photography in Lamar, Arkansas, aided Aspen in her transformation into the wondrous creature. When Michael, the girl’s father, arrived at the conclusion of the session, the day became even more enjoyable.
As part of Aspen’s birthday celebration, her grandma purchased her a mermaid session, according to Deal [Aspen’s father requested that the family’s last name be suppressed].
Aspen asked her father if he would play with her in the pool when Michael came. But Deal had a superior plan.
She tells us, “I responded, ‘Oh, you know, I believe I have a mermaid tail that he could wear.’” “From there, everything simply progressed naturally. Once she realized it was possible, she could not change her mind.”
Deal said Michael did not hesitate “in the least.”
Deal and her staff were delighted to make it happen, and it was a worthwhile endeavor.
She states, “That was the most enjoyable session I’ve ever had.”
The photographer uploaded the adorable photographs on her Facebook account. Once there, they quickly departed. The photo series has been liked by more than 28,000 Facebook users and shared more than 157,000 times.
Deal states that the responses have been largely positive. “I believe that playing with our children is something that everyone can connect to on some level, whether we are remembering our own childhood or thinking of our own children.”
“All she wanted for her 8th birthday was for her father to participate in the celebration,” she said in the post. “Let me assure you he did NOT disappoint! The laughter, happiness, and memories they produced were the finest present he could have given her.”
She ended the message with a lovely reminder to all parents.
“Take the photographs. Play with them whenever you can, because they will only be young for so long.”
He believes that this aquatic father-daughter pair will encourage more parents to cherish their time with their children.
“The laughter, happiness, and memories they produced were the finest present he could have given her.
There is no question in my mind that this story, this invaluable experience, will be shared and cherished for generations to come,” she commented beside the adorable photos.
Childhood is so ephemeral. Everything has passed so quickly,” she explains.
“This may sound simplistic, but I believe the little ways we show kids (through love) on a daily basis have the most influence on their basic beliefs. Children who experience love pass it on to others, and I feel the world could use a lot more of it.”