No matter how serious life gets, you will still have that one person you can be completely stupid with.
Make the best out of every moment you spend on earth, you have no idea of what will happen next.
Human existence is like a story, everyone is an actor, and you should always try to create a beautiful story.
Life doesn’t always come in ways that we expect it; most times it hurts so much that we can barely raise our shoulders again, sometimes it seems like our sweet dreams are finally coming to pass.
When life gives you lemon make lemonade out of it; things will never be perfect it’s your responsibility to create a perfect picture.
Make the best out of life, and never doubt your existence you were created for a reason and you should never doubt that.
Life comes with challenges, hurdles, and trials, but that shouldn’t stop us from making the best out of life. God gave us everything we need to triumph over anything that comes our way; it’s our responsibility to conquer them and create our happiness.
Good things doesn’t come easily you have to always work for it, and be a victor. Believe you can do anything you want, and the author of your story.
You can do better than just leaving your life in the hands of fate; you can be a better person, you can make histories, you can make a difference and be everything you ever wanted.
Make the best out of life, create your happiness and live your best life you only live once.
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