This world has become awful, especially for people with disabilities who struggle to live up to the expectations of society. These people want to be accepted and live among the stars, but cruel looks and remarks are always directed at them.
Rustam is a young boy that his parents failed to care for his birth defects. He was given up for adoption, but as we are all aware, not all parents are willing to take in home a child like him.
Fortunately, Nika Zlobina, a woman who filled out the adoption papers and discovered Rustam’s picture and biography, was the one who found him. After that, she set out on a mission to find Rustam a loving home, but in the process, she ended up adopting him.
Nika explained, “I prepared adoption papers and there was a database with pictures of children, and by chance I saw pictures of Rustam.”
Opening an Instagram account to show all of the children in search of a family, including this extraordinary boy, was the first thing this woman did for him.
Additionally, she shared a video of Rustam dancing, which attracted a lot of attention. While many people had positive things to say about Rustam, a few still left negative comments. There were those who claimed that this “freak” would never be adopted. Nika stated, “I was afraid of the number of people who wrote negative comments, and among them were also mothers with young children.”
Nika’s top priority was correcting the misconception that adopting a child with a disability is not the best option. Nika was of the opinion that people would realize the significance of providing care for these children by describing Rustam’s day-to-day activities, his numerous grins, and the manner in which he appeared content when surrounded by the appropriate individuals.
“There is a long line for blond beautiful babies because everyone wants to adopt them; While others suffer without parents.” Nika wrote.
At that point, Nika made the decision to adopt Rustam for herself. Because he brought joy wherever he went, she and her husband were overjoyed to have this adorable son.
Nika says that other people who were thinking about adopting a child in this way were inspired by this adoption.
One woman wrote that she was afraid to go out with her Down’s Syndrome daughter, adding that my posts inspire her courage. Nika posted, “and now she does not hesitate to go for walks with her daughter.”
Despite the fact that they will always receive stares and comments from complete strangers, Nika and her husband make every effort to guard their son from harm and demonstrate that being unique is not a negative quality. In fact, the world’s diversity is what propels it forward.
Rustam is a nine years old boy who is living the best life he can.
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