Sometimes you think that all you want is to disappear, but all you want is to be found.
The greatest thing in life is self-discovery; it takes time, but you will surely get there.
Things don’t happen as we expect them too, life doesn’t move the way we want it, but you shouldn’t give up.
Every big tree took years before it got so big, bearing fruits and with so many leaves; it will only take nothing but time for everything to be perfect.
When I was in high school, everyone called me a dummy, even teachers that were meant to coach me never saw any good in me.
I knew I was a bright kid all I needed was a little coaching, but no one believed in me; they all said that no amount of help will make any difference.
I didn’t let them determine how far I will go or define my intellectual quotient, little by little I started following up in the lessons.
I wasn’t so good at first, but I knew I will get there sooner than later. People thought I will finally give in to their words that keep echoing in my mind that I’m a dummy and won’t get any better, at some points I wanted to stop existing, I wanted to disappear, but I didn’t I discovered myself.
At the end of my high school days, I was called up as the best graduating student; it got people murmuring and cursing, but I knew the amount of work I put in, and I am now better.
You will get to that point you want; it will only take nothing but time. Be patient.
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