Jono Lancaster’s parents chose not to take him home from the hospital when he was born. They couldn’t love him because he had a rare condition called Treacher Collins Syndrome, which affects both his hearing and his facial structure. They did not want to endure the many hospitalizations and surgeries associated with the syndrome.
Unfortunately, when Jono was only a few days old, the people who were supposed to love him unconditionally left him forever.
The social service did everything to find him a suitable family in the following days. Fortunately Jono met an angel in the form of a kind and compassionate woman Jean. She knew from the moment she saw him that he belongs to her. ” It is impossible not to love a child ?” After hearing his story, she said, “When can I bring him home?” was the next question she ask.
In 2015, Jono spoke about his life for the first time at the National Organization for Rare Diseases (NORD) Breakthrough Summit and it caught the attention of many people.
“My facial features are the result of a congenital genetic disease. My eyes looks down because I don’t have any cheekbones,” he said. “I love my little ears and they never get cold at night. But I need hearing aids.” I consider myself lucky. Because many People who are more seriously affected in need breathing and eating. I have met some children who have undergone more than 70 operations to fix the problems that make their lives easier.
Jono says, referring to Jean, the woman who gave him a loving home:
“I get two birthdays because Jean adopted me at May 18, 1990!” he said: “When I was a child, I used to tell other children that my mom went to the hospital, checked on all the babies, and chose me when their parents were stuck with the others.
Jean made multiple attempts to get in touch with Jono’s birth parents, but each time they responded the same way:They didn’t want to meet him or do anything with him.
Jono, now 36 years old, has been bullied for most of his life due to his appearance.
“When I was a teen, I began to think, why me? Therefore, I began to consider my biological parents. Even if you rob a bank, your parents should love you no matter what. How can I have a family. ? Who wants me?” He said: ” I began to despise my face. I was angry because I couldn’t change my appearance. Even as I walked down the street through the windows, I avoided looking at my reflection. I was embarrassed by the way I looked.”
But then something happened that made him better.
Everyone noticed the way he looked and looked at him while he worked as a bartender. But one day a skinhead customer came into the establishment with “big muscles ” and a menacing expression. Jono came in when no one wanted to serve him. I have a question before you serve my drink. What’s up with your face?” the man announced.
“I had Treacher Collins Syndrome from birth.” In response, the man said, “It’s fine.” Jono then told him “I’m deaf” and gave him his hearing aids. “Do they come with an off switch?” the man asked. “Damn, you’re lucky. I have a wife and all she does is talk 24/7, and I need the ability to silence her.”
Someone was laughing along with Jono, and not for the first time in a long time. This encourage him to “focus on the good.”
He’s now working as amotivational speaker and has a partner. Jono pends time with young children who has the same syndrome as him and helps them accept themselves for who they are.
So what changed? He said: “People haven’t changed. I still don’t have anything in common with my parents. My attitude has changed and it’s incredibly powerful. I believe in myself rather than allowing negative energy to bring me down. I wouldn’t change a single thing. More than anything else, my attitude was limiting. You can accomplish anything if you have the right mindset.
We are so happy that this man has learned to love himself for who he is.
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