The statement “act your age ” is quite funny to me. Why? I find it a bit limiting to be held back by something as trivial as age.
Living goes beyond following some prescribed rules. That is just existing, and simply existing has to be the most boring thing, for a human at least.
I have never acted my age. Contrary to what society thinks, your age is not necessarily a determining factor for how you should act.
Who you are as a person, what your principles are, your upbringing (most times), are some of the things that will affect the way you act.
The one mistake a lot of persons make is taking themselves seriously because they want to act their age.
It is no wonder why some 90-year-olds seem to be having more fun than some 20-year-olds.
There is an insane amount of undue pressure from society, that wants people to act a certain way, at a certain age.
You are hard-pressed to look and act all matured and responsible in your 20s. Barely taking the time to live.
Some of the happiest people are those who do not take themselves seriously.
This does not mean that people like this are irresponsible or immature. It simply means that they are not hard-pressed to act the way society has said they should.
My body knows my age, of course, it does
My mind, on the other hand, simply refuses to acknowledge my age. It is like my mind is determined not to be held back by the limitations of age. I, for one, prefer to enjoy my life completely.
I find that I enjoy seeing things through the eyes of a child, and for that reason, no matter how terrible life might seem, it still holds a level of fascination for me.
I have responsibilities that I take seriously. In spite of that, I approach every new stage with the joyful glee of a child. Rather than approach each stage as some challenges to conquer, or some milestone to hit my “great destination ” (wherever that is), I approach each stage like an adventure.
I am forever keen to know what every stage will bring.
My ability to not take myself seriously, and still live each stage of my life fully, has helped me better experience life.
It is easy to slip into a tunnel vision state of being when one takes life too seriously.
The pursuit of happiness is an elusive thing, as happiness comes from within.
Don’t act your age. Act your age. Whatever works for you, but, whatever you do, ensure you are living your life for you.
Not in pursuit of some undefined goal, or some societal achievement.
Do not let your age be a constraint, because while my body might know my age, my mind refuses to be held down by mere numbers.
I am ageless, being traversing the ever-changing plain of life. Basking in the euphoria of the discovery of each new adventure. Not held back by age or aging, but almost with a Peter Pan kind of ageless child-like outlook to life.
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