
Forgiveness is one of the hardest pills to swallow. It seems so easy to forgive and let go of things that hurt us people never apologized for.

We are all humans and bound to make mistakes. As long as human beings exist, there are bound to be errors. Human beings aren’t perfect like our creator, though we are all working towards perfection; that is why we ought to forgive and let those hurt go away.

We may never know how hurt one is until you get closer to them. Find time to meditate on your life. List those threats to your inner peace, forgive those who hurt you, pray for those who need it, thank God for everything you have, and live your life like everything is okay.

Forgiveness is something we can do without the third party asking for it. Grudges and packed up malice can be a significant weight on our shoulders; let it go.

Christ taught forgiveness and practiced it; even on the cross, he forgave everyone who prosecuted him. He was so exemplary, and we ought to learn from him.

Forgive people without them asking for your forgiveness. Live in the moment and not on grudges.

Your peace of mind should be your priority. One should appreciate God for all he has done. You can never know how lucky you are until you see people in worse situations than you. Thank God for life, your career, your existence, and everything.

Living can only get better if you forgive and let the hurt go; thank God for every moment of your life.   

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