Be careful about the people you let into your life, because not everyone has good plans for you. Some will come into your life and drain the shit out of you, then leave and blame everything on you.
Some will come with good intentions; they will always be there for you and will always go any length to put smiles on your face.
I got stuck with someone who will always like to play the victim in all cases. I hated myself thinking I was the one at fault without knowing it was never my fault.
I had sleepless nights trying to figure out in what ways I was wrong and how to be a better person. I was cheated on and reminded I didn’t have the perfect body and I will never be good for anyone.
I was ridiculed by friends for sticking with someone who never saw me as a great person; I wasn’t appreciated when I tried, rather I was blamed for everything.
I lost weight and when he noticed I wasn’t so attractive again, he left and blamed for not being able to take care of myself. He left when I wasn’t the one at fault and blamed me for everything. I’m not so perfect, but I was willing to work towards perfection.
I later realized I was never the problem; I let the wrong people into my life, and that’s the worst thing I ever did. I let my guards down and allowed myself to get hurt.
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