Of all the people I have hurt, I have hurt myself the most; I owe myself an apology.
One of the things I regret so much is putting others before myself; I thought I was being selfless and kind without knowing I was thinking less of myself.
In situations that could bring me nothing but pains, and hurt; I ventured into it to save others, and be selfless.
I felt being kind, and bearing all people had to do to me was a better way of reaching out to humanity.
Many times, I had to go on an empty stomach just to make sure I see those who had nothing to feed; I have visited the old and helped them clean their house.
I felt I was helping out, until they started retaliating each time I didn’t do what I always did. They shouted at me for not coming to help again, even when I had personal issues.
They said if I wanted to play the role of an aid I should do that until the end. people never appreciate good people, and I realized that the hard way.
Many people, thought I was doing eye service and wanted to be regarded as a good person, and they never stopped saying it to my face that I will always be less.
They laughed and mocked me when those I simply wanted to help reprimanded me; I knew better than anyone to stop and focus on myself.
I owe an apology to myself because I put others first instead of her; I neglected her so much for no just cause, and I’m truly sorry.
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