
Karma is going to hit some of you for breaking good people who had nothing, but good intentions for you.

People often seem to take good people as fools who are naive and don’t know how things work around.

Dubious people use these good people’s innocence against them; they trample on them knowing full well they can’t retaliate.


We hurt people forgetting what goes around will surely come around.

Life is always what we make out of it; if we spend them on hurting people who had good intentions for us, it will always be bad for us.

Always be mindful of what you do to others, because it will come back to you one day. If you don’t care about yourself what about your loved ones, children, a spouse that might be at the receiving end of all your bad deeds.

Life doesn’t always revolve around us; it involves others too. Be mindful of how you treat others, because someday it will be used against you.

 I have seen great people pulled down by their past; a past they neglected and never knew it will hunt them forever.

I had a friend who lost a contract worth millions of naira because of what she did to the owner of the country back in their high school days.

My friend was a school prefect, and was very fierce at that; everyone knew her and was scared of her because of the punishment she always meted out to people.

There was an asthmatic patient that almost lost her life because of her, and she never cared to ask after her.

Years passed and she was surprised seeing the same person she thought was nobody at the top. So funny how tables turn; karma is real and will never stop serving us what we do to others in a thousand folds.

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