
Be thankful for every chance you get.

Not because life has been easy, perfect, or exactly as you had anticipated, but because you choose to be happy and grateful for all the good things you have, and all the problems you don’t have.

Always be appreciative of whatever situation you are in because life can only get better when you are appreciative of the little things.

When I was younger I so much hated that we were of the middle class, my peers all had their respective Rolls Royce that take them to school and here I was always stuck in the back seat of my parents’ only drive.

I always complained to my mates, and they will always laugh at my situation telling me that I should stop wishing to be like them.

Many times, they all wanted to come to my house, I always declined, because I felt so insecure about my little home.

It was nothing compared to the mansions they lived in, they all had their own penthouse and I was just there living with my family in a so not attractive home.

It always annoyed me to the core and I always looked for an excuse not to be at home and each time my parents wanted to pick me up from school, I always preferred the public bus if I wasn’t going to get my Rolls Royce.

It was one of those moments I got to meet a classmate who was on the verge of dropping out of school because of lack of funds and we got quite close as she didn’t know about my background either.

The many times I visited her home, I realized mine was heaven, feeding was a major problem and she lived in a slum where many were homeless.

I realized the importance of what I had, someone else wished for them and here I am being ungrateful.

Whatever little way I tried to help her she was always appreciative while I never thanked my parents for all they have done.

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