
It’s safe to say that most people have a truly unique bond with their grandparents. Compared to their parents, they are compassionate, gentle, and usually a little less strict when it comes to following the law.

Everyone learns from their grandparents from a young age, even though they are kind and enjoy fulfilling their grandchildren’s every wish. Try not to mix them up.

That is certainly the case of grandmother Winifred Peel, 77, from Wirral, UK. See the full story below.

One day Mrs Winifred Pell from Bromborough, Wirral, went to get cash from a cash register.

As she stood in front of the ATM and was about to insert the pin of her card when she saw someone approaching from behind. Before she could react, two men stopped her in her tracks. After that another third appeared.

A woman knew she had been robbed when one of the robbers pressed a button on the front of the cash machine to withdraw £200.

Grandma Winifred knew right away that people were robbers, and if she didn’t act quickly, they would empty her bank account.

One of the men tried to take the money, the woman came up with a plan.

She managed to grab the robber by the collar and hit him three times with the ATM machine before the men had to leave the scene and run like dogs with their tails between their legs.

When Winifred called the police, the culprits were arrested later that day.

One of the men suffered a head injury as a result of Grandma Winifred’s defensive move, which is one of the reasons police were able to identify the individuals. They were Felix Stoica, Florin Geblescu and Piper Dumitru, all 18 years old. They all pleaded guilty in court and were sentenced to prison

William Beardmore, who prosecuted the case, reported that the thieves were looking for “easy prey” when they drove into town.

Winifred told Britain’s Metro: “They didn’t care how it affected me.” “I will never have the confidence I had before,” said the person, “I can assure you that this experience has changed my life.”

Thieves were unprepared for Mrs. Winifred’s determination, growing up with three brothers and playing various sports throughout her life.

Congratulations, Grandma Winifred! Let’s hope these con artist will never forget the lesson she taught them.

The attack on a 77-year-old grandmother by three men is absolutely despicable, although it goes without saying that you should never attempt to steal.

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