
Explore the wonderful islands of Southeast Asia in this 4K Indonesia drone video!

It’s a land of volcanoes, waterfalls, rice terraces, and more. I filmed this aerial video in the islands of Bali, Java, Flores, Sulawesi, Sumatra, and Maluku.

Indonesia is a great country for drone flying because the laws are pretty relaxed and sensible. Just stay away from airports, temples, crowds, etc and you can get some amazing aerial shots here.

Places in the video:

– Mount Karangetang Volcano (Sulawesi)
– Mount Bromo Volcano (Java)
– Mount Agung Volcano (Bali)
– Mount Dukono Volcano (Maluku)
– Banah Cliffs (Nusa Penida)
– Tumpak Sewu Waterfall (Java)
– Rammang Rammang (Sulawesi)
– Diamond Beach (Nusa Penida)
– Nungnung Waterfall (Bali)
– Kelimutu Lakes (Flores)
– Ponot Waterfall (Sumatra)
– Ora Beach Resort (Maluku)
– Majalengka Terraces (Java)
– Tangkahan Elephant Sanctuary (Sumatra)
– Lengkuas Island Lighthouse (Belitung)
– Sombori Island (Sumatra)
– Bukit Kasih (Sulawesi)
– Kawah Ijen Sulfur Mine (Java)
– Banyak Islands (Sumatra)
– Dieng Plateau (Java)
– Batu Baginda (Belitung)

Thanks for looking! I hope you enjoyed this reel of Indonesia By Drone. Subscribe on YouTube for more videos like this!

Message me if you’re interested in licensing some of this video footage for your projects. Thanks!

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