It is true that having a mysterious look depends on 2 factors: makeup and facial features. The first may very well influence the second, but if you want to achieve a “sweeping” effect in a natural way, then you should know more about this homemade serum for abundant and extra long Arabian eyelashes.
Arab women, in addition to possessing incredible exotic beauty, have spectacular hair that results in abundant eyebrows and eyelashes. Although it is a trait that is influenced by genetics , this body hair has a function.
Homemade Eyelash Serum
¼ of aloe vera gel
¼ castor oil
½ of vitamin E oil
Eyelash brush
In a bowl mix all the ingredients to perfection and then store in a container. This should be in a dark and dry place. Use this serum every night before going to bed for approximately 3 to 4 months.
In the morning it is removed perfectly with cold water and neutral soap. Eye! You can use it during the day, since you can use it as a transparent mascara. Although it is important that you do not mix with your mascara and that you apply it with dirty lashes.
Tips to Take Care of Your Eyelashes
Brush your eyelashes regularly with a special brush
Wash your face and eyes with mild soaps every day
Deeply removes makeup